Lower back pain — what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

During the osteoarthritis refers to the degenerative process in the intervertebral discs. A spine is compressed, crushing the discs that lie between the vertebrae. Over time they lose elasticity, but most start to narrow and the nerve endings of the spinal cord.


Mint every other disease, lower back pain should be treated under the supervision of a physician. Who described in detail what this disease is, therefore, occur in which the symptoms are characteristic for him.

What is osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis they are a disease, a spine, a characteristic, which is a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the intervertebral discs, and a very tissue of the vertebrae.

Degenerative changes in disc lead to weakening of the outer fibrous ring. Therefore, patients with a degenerative disc disease they are often serious complications as a protrusion (convex part of a disk), and a hernia (overhang you nucleus pulposus of a disc, a spinal canal).

According to the results of the medical tests, problems with the spine suffering, every second after 30 years. A 70% of the cause of the pain in the spine degenerative disc disease, which refers to neurological diseases affecting the ligaments, a spinal.

Mint any other disease, low back pain, may not arise by itself, without a reason, hitting the back of a sharp pain. The first signs of osteochondrosis of a spine isn't obvious immediately, gradually.

Depending on a place of pain three types of osteoarthritis:

  • Neck;
  • Chest;
  • Lumbar.

Important! The biggest problem osteochondrosis belongs to the protrusion of the intervertebral discs, schmorl's nodule, ankylosis of the ridge, pinching the roots of the spinal nerves and vessels.


According to many experts who study this disease, the main cause of osteoarthritis is incorrectly distributed load on a spine. As a result, the patients directly in the field, which are the excessive physical pressure, changes in the structure of cartilage.

The look osteochondrosis:

  • Genetic predisposition to the disease.
  • The presence of the overweight
  • The presence of the diseases of endocrine system – metabolic diseases.
  • A orthopedic diseases development, such as flat feet, curvature, posture, diseases of the musculoskeletal system system.
  • A variety of injuries, injuries of the spine.
  • Lifestyle: a lack of activity of the diet is predominantly fast food meals, the harmful products.
  • The presence of the overweight.
  • Bad habits, Smoking, alcoholism.
  • The stress, the ' protoplanet.
  • Pregnancy.

In most cases, is caused by an osteochondrosis are related to a activity professional person. A risk belong to a next group in the professional category are:

  • accountant;
  • cashier;
  • THIS-the workers.
  • office staff;
  • professional athletes;
  • drivers of vehicles.

Noted should be, however, that the signs of osteoarthritis in women occurs more often than men.

The stage of development

The development of degenerative disc disease to occur, a 4 phase (degrees):

Low back pain 1. section

Characteristic of the early pathological process polipozom a the intervertebral disc is dehydrated (dehydration), and as a result, the height of a disk is reduced. Thus, a ring of fibrous begin to appear cracks. At this stage, the patient is usually not sammi feel a change. Uncomfortable obviously unusual, that something about a place, is active or responsible.

2. section

The second stage of osteochondrosis of a continuous degenerative changes lead to protrusion of the discs. A decrease in the difference between the vertebrae, the destruction of the fibrous capsule. The result, violated the spinal nerve roots that provokes the appearance point of a pain, the intensity of which increases with tilt, swivel, and other movements. Maybe an appearance of weakness, decreased performance.

The stages of development of osteochondrosis

3. section for degenerative disc disease is a spinal

Characterized by the Deletion of a cartilage cushion between the discs, thinning tissue is well noticeable, if renthenznimky. The symptoms of a pronounced osteochondrosis, intense, but the pain does not pass, and only able to shoot a strong pain reliever.

4. section

The fourth stage is a complex neurological disorder of the spinal system, which is expressed in a partial or complete restriction of mobility of the joints. In the diagnostic condition, a place, a vertebral joint, formed a bony process (the joint), micro-trauma, because the nerve branches, and the adjacent spine segments.

In most cases, the symptoms of an osteochondrosis of 4 degrees does not cause pain discomfort or, as the joints become fossilized form.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis in adults

Osteochondrosis – degenerative-dystrophic changes (destruction) of bone tissue in a spine, articular cartilage, ligaments, and intervertebral discs. A disease developed pathological mobility of the spinal column, which violated the soft tissue, nerve fibers and blood vessels located near the lesion – causing pain.

The main symptoms of osteochondrosis:

  • back pain, neck, back, shoulder, and a rib;
  • discomfort, stiffness, back to a certain movements, lifting something;
  • numbness in the extremities (hands and/or feet);
  • I feel pain in my arm and legs, chills;
  • muscle cramps;
  • the diseases of the genital organs;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • pain in region of heart;
  • the sensitivity-reduction
  • muscle hypotension;
  • fatigue, sometimes my eyes.

Facilitate the the event of acute symptoms, excessive exercise, fatigue, hypothermia, trauma, body shaking, vibration.


Degenerative processes involving the first intervertebral discs, reducing the density, the loss of a shock-absorbing function. A result of ezek a changes excessive mobility of the spine affects the facet joints, muscles ligaments.

Involved in the destructive processes of paravertebral structures, because the compression (squeezing) of the spinal cord, the nerve endings. As a result, the patient's osteoarthritis pain that is accompanied by symptoms, diseases:

  • severe headache, migraine;
  • a decrease in visual acuity.
  • partial hearing loss;
  • radiculopathy (sciatica);
  • autonomic dysfunction (VSD);
  • disorder is a urogenital system;
  • sciatica (compressions of sciatic nerve);
  • the herniated disc;
  • spondiloarthrosis;
  • lumbago, lumbalgia;
  • arthritis, spondylosis;
  • the spinal stenosis.

The worst part is that a disc degenerative disease begin to appear, as well as other diseases. The fact that the package is damaged neurovascular, deteriorate the blood circulation, which can result in the disease of the whole organism.

Aggravation of degenerative disc disease

Spring often comes a deterioration of the spine in the lower part of a winter acute chest. Exacerbation maybe, if the weather changes, stress, physical exertion. During a disease exacerbation is prescribed the analgesics, local ointments, medications that relieve swelling, muscle spasm. Diuretic use is a severe edema, but at the same time, it is necessary to apply preparations, the sodium, the potassium.


Diagnosis of osteoarthritis is based on the following methods:

Physiological investigation
  1. The history of a study of the complaints of the patient, the id and the event time, reason, duration, characteristics of the disease.
  2. Physiological examination:
    • diagnosis a body position, posture, range of motion, the patient;
    • studied the skin sensor areas, redness, peeling, and rash;
    • palpable painful areas to determine the local temperature, presence of edema, muscle cramps, insulation;
    • detection of the site of pain radiation of percussion with a finger or a special hammer;
    • stab the needle to help determine pain sensitivity.

Instrumental methods of diagnosis of osteoarthritis:

  • X-ray diagnostics plays a key role in this disease. Traditional x-rays help to identify such signs of illness, such as being able to bring the gap between the vertebrae.
  • The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – the test method allows an accurate diagnosis of what is happening in the spinal processes. With his help, in particular, to determine possible to the disk presence, grimes, tone and localization.
  • Computed tomography (CT) as a diagnostic capabilities of MRI. A disadvantage of CT is the presence of the radiation during a test.

How to treat an osteochondrosis?

There is no specific, but only a high method of treating degenerative disc disease – this is a process, under any circumstances, requires a comprehensive approach. If you tell your doctor by the way, you need to think about a professional qualification that you consider to be an expert.

A comprehensive program traditionally includes the following elements:

  • physiotherapy methods effect;
  • special exercises and massage;
  • methods of manual therapy;
  • the medicine;
  • reflexology, electrophoresis, etc.;
  • the adhesion.

Recommendations for the treatment of a degenerative disc disease home:

  1. The rejection of bad habits, and the gradual transition to an acquisition of useful habits. The smoking, the alcohol cramps without a closed vessel, dorsal artery.
  2. Diet — a rejection of a big, fat, and cholesterol content of food: eggs, broth, skin, the birds and the pigs.
  3. Limit your intake of strong coffee, tea, gradually switch to herbal teas, fresh fruit juices.
  4. Select To a high mattress, pillows sleep, preferably orthopedic.
  5. The restoration of a normal blood circulation satiksi muscles discs by massage, massage individual, complex physical therapy, compresses, rubbing and intake of herbal infusions and alcoholic tinctures of herbs.
Drugs osteoarthritis

Drugs osteoarthritis

Specialists in the treatment of such patients, prescribe the drug with the following properties: to relieve the inflammation, then set a function, the musculoskeletal system, stimulates the regeneration of the tissues of the intervertebral discs, and cartilage and prevent the progression of osteoarthritis.

Treatment of Osteoarthritis in the traditional way the treatment of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system: assigned to nsaids to eliminate the inflammatory process in the tissues, chondroprotectors, restore the level to the synovial fluid corticosteroids, if the first two drugs proven to be effective.


In order to a get rid of osteoarthritis, various therapeutic treatments, massage. A lot of useful properties — it reduces the muscle tone, the blood flow in the spine is stimulated, the spinal discs become stronger.

Manual therapy in osteochondrosis

Manual therapy to reduce acute pain, helps to restore the posture. One of the most commonly used method of visceral therapy. On completion of investigation, a qualitative, on joints, improves the circulation, strengthens the immune system. To prevent aggravation of various chronic diseases.

Physical therapy therapeutic exercise

Physiotherapy physical or therapy in osteochondrosis of great importance. So, special exercises to strengthen the back muscles contribute to the formation of the muscular corset, which in turn provides the uniform load distribution of the spine. In addition, because the regular exercise improves the blood circulation and the nutrition of the tissues, including the intervertebral discs a patient develops the correct posture, increase the movement of the spine.

A therapeutic physical training, gym a and that will bring you the expected effect you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Exercises with osteochondrosis should be done regularly.
  2. All movements should be smooth and slow.
  3. The breathing sima.
  4. Diet osteochondrosis
  5. Follow the pulse.
  6. If you experience discomfort, pain in the muscles, the spine, to the and reduce amplitude-intensity movements.
  7. Gymnastics, gymnastics can be enjoyed at any time a bit.
  8. The physiotherapy, physical education choose comfortable clothes made of natural materials.
  9. Before you start the exercise, physical exercises need to consult with your doctor.

Physical therapy

Helps to effectively manage painful symptoms in a place, the localization of the pathological process. There are many types of physiotherapy treatment. Often resort to a use of magneto therapy, ultra sound therapy, as well as the effects of the low frequency power.

Effects of this procedure can be:

  • normalization of the metabolism in the affected areas;
  • the increasing resistance of a body;
  • pain relief;
  • improvement of the microcirculation of the spine and paravertebral tissues;
  • removal of edema;
  • the reduction of an inflammatory process;
  • improvement of the mobility of a spine.

Low back pain than any other disease of a spine requires immediate treatment. The first signs, I'm sure doctor consult orthopedic. Be healthy!